EZ Messenger provides an unequaled level of assistance to our clients. Our services well exceed those of more basic providers and we always stand ready to attempt to accommodate all routine and unusual client service requests. During the preceding twelve-month period we completed approximately 150,000 services of process and an estimated 400,000 court filings without a material exception. Our services include:
Service of Process
We consider the Service of Process to be our Core Service. This service is the culmination of a variety of services that we offer to our clients. Providing a broad array of services that are complimentary to the service of process distinguishes us from other service providers.
eFiling/Court Services
As eFiling becomes the norm across the country, EZ Messenger has provided much needed industry input to the Governmental Agencies developing the systems and requirements. We are recognized as industry experts in this field and provide these services in those states that allow for eFiling.
Investigation and Skiptrace
We provide a broad range of investigative services, with expertise in a number of specialized fields. Our investigators offer a level of professionalism that is a departure from the standard operating procedures of most investigation firms.